MICA GD 200.01
Thursday 9am-3pm, Brown 305
Instructor: Ryan Clifford,
ryan.d.clifford@gmail.com, 410.340.8636, Office: Brown 316
GTI: Aura Seltzer, aura.seltzer@gmail.com

Tuesday, September 14

Sagmeister 2008

Hillman Curtis Artist Film Series

Here's the site for Hillman Curtis and his series of artist films. All of them are worth your time.

Michael Bierut's Reflections on Figure/Ground

"I remember a lesson from my first year of design school, a series of exercises that we did to learn about the figure / ground relationship, the relationship between the thing that’s the subject of a visual composition and the area that surrounds it. For me, this is one of the most magical things about graphic design. It’s the idea that the spaces between the letterforms are as important as the letters themselves, that the empty space in a layout isn’t really empty at all but as filled with tension, potential and excitement. I learned you ignore the white space at your peril." - Michael Bierut

Monday, September 13

NYC subway map update



The site I brought up in class, for anyone interested.