MICA GD 200.01
Thursday 9am-3pm, Brown 305
Instructor: Ryan Clifford,
ryan.d.clifford@gmail.com, 410.340.8636, Office: Brown 316
GTI: Aura Seltzer, aura.seltzer@gmail.com

Friday, October 1

work in progress

here is some work in progress for my poster.
i'm still work on hand lettering.
i was wondering if i was heading in a good direction?


Poster Research

Posters from Gabe

A lot of these are just different posters found either on aisleone.net or typo-graphical.com. The movie posters were all found just by searching through Google because I knew them in my brain. Except for the Cliffhanger one, it is a true internet gem.

Type based

Image Based

Thursday, September 30

Additional Poster Inspiration

Here are some other posters I've come across recently/have been in my collection that I thought might serve as some good inspiration for this project. From the top down, #1 is by Pentagram for the Architectural League of NY. #2 is by J Fletcher Design. #3 is by Telegramme Studio.
The AmericanThe-Boondock-Saints-Poster-19.jpg

sorry that some are really small.
i don't know why they did that.

Poster Design Sketches

Hi Ryan, these are my sketches of the poster designs. I was sick since last night and forgot to e-mail you.

Poster Examples



Image Dom.