MICA GD 200.01
Thursday 9am-3pm, Brown 305
Instructor: Ryan Clifford,
ryan.d.clifford@gmail.com, 410.340.8636, Office: Brown 316
GTI: Aura Seltzer, aura.seltzer@gmail.com

Sunday, October 10

here are some revisions for repo man


  1. The top one is a really nice composition, and I love the size of the city in the bottom. The line in the middle one is a little bit distracting, but the first and last solutions are both very nice revisions.

  2. I think your first poster is the most successful out of the three. The unit you've created with the city and movie title is solid, but the vertical tagline is distracting. Since the car is treated in a different style as the skyline, I wish that the two elements interacted a little more so they'd read as part of the same scene. I really like how the car is bleeding into the white border on both the first poster and last one. It helps with the illusion of it floating away. The white stripe at the bottom draws too much attention to the least important part of the poster (the drive-in address). A solution could be to just leave that information in the white border as you do with the top.

    The skyline in the third poster is captivating. It might be cool to increase the # of dots in your halftone to a point where you could reverse out the Repo Man and have it still read. The city bleeding out of the black box is so slight that it might read as a mistake. I question the location of the stripe in the composition (does it cut it off at a weird spot?).

    One more thought: since the flying car is such a big part of your concept, would the tagline "...It's 4 A.M., do you know where your car is?" be more appropriate?

    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for Thursday.

  3. These are much improved. I really like the way you're integrating the images together to create a narrative.

    I think you should re-halftone the image to resolve the third solution. I also like the way the first one works. The third definitely looks like a small image scaled up, and would benefit from an increased amount of detail.

    The first solution works really well due to the tension created between the images and scale. I'd try the title on one line, not stacked, as a baseline for the cityscape. The least successful element in all three is the secondary information. look at how you can use order and hierarchy to draw the viewer's eye through the design.

    For your title, if you're stacking it, make sure it aligns on both sides. It's a little uneven right now.

    Great comment from Aura, that's a better tagline.


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