MICA GD 200.01
Thursday 9am-3pm, Brown 305
Instructor: Ryan Clifford,
ryan.d.clifford@gmail.com, 410.340.8636, Office: Brown 316
GTI: Aura Seltzer, aura.seltzer@gmail.com

Monday, November 22

Infographic Revisions

Here are some revisions. I tested colors to see how they look printed on craft paper and added a new section to the poster side.

1 comment:

  1. The craft paper will look really nice with this. I'm still not sold on the color choice - the yellow is a lot more saturated than the seafoam-like color.

    A few small things to consider:
    - Make sure that your 14/21 circle is true black (it looks 90% gray?). Also, that circle really looks squished since it's the only shape that doesn't have a border. Can you think of a better way to separate parts of the back panel that isn't so heavy? The border becomes more dominant than the strokes used in your charts.
    - Typo in Plantain on the back spread.
    - On the front, I would be consistent with your use of the & instead of and (and use the & in your key on the first panel instead of "and").
    - With the daily spending breakdown, it's a little confusing whether that's the total you spent or the total spent on that particular food group. You could possibly have one bar that indicates the total spent per day and then shade within that bar how much was spent on the dominant food group?


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