MICA GD 200.01
Thursday 9am-3pm, Brown 305
Instructor: Ryan Clifford,
ryan.d.clifford@gmail.com, 410.340.8636, Office: Brown 316
GTI: Aura Seltzer, aura.seltzer@gmail.com

Saturday, December 11

edited logos

1 comment:

  1. I prefer the strength of Elvis Costello's name when it doesn't have "& the Attractions", but think it's too much of a doodad when it's in the lens of the glasses. Maybe it's the bottom version but "& the Attractions" has "and" spelled out so the text would have to be reduced? Maybe a thinner weight or different font entirely than the bold voice you're giving Elvis Costello. The shape of the glasses is nice. You could try aligning it so that the left and right edges hit right underneath the edges of the text (you have a subtle curve inward now that I find distracting).


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