MICA GD 200.01
Thursday 9am-3pm, Brown 305
Instructor: Ryan Clifford,
ryan.d.clifford@gmail.com, 410.340.8636, Office: Brown 316
GTI: Aura Seltzer, aura.seltzer@gmail.com

Thursday, November 18

no more triangles.

I didn't add the numbers yet b/c I don't want to if the image is not working with the icons as the signifiers for quantity...is it better?

1 comment:

  1. I like how the repetition of the pictograms helps me get a quicker comparison of the two diets. You might have to scale down the size of the icons just slightly in order to fit the numbers in. For the numbers, you could put the numbers in two straight columns underneath the T in "DIET" and M in "MICA" so they're closer to your body (might be easier to compare) OR have the numbers on the outside of the counts (involves more work comparing but might work better visually). A totally different thing you could try would be just use one pictogram for each diet and scale it according to the relationship between the 8 groups (so for healthy diet the broccoli would be a lot bigger than the cake and for the MICA diet the coffee would be huge). Whichever layout you choose to go with, make sure that your imagery doesn't creep too close to the left and right edges of the page. Nice work.


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